Sunday, February 05, 2006

Infopia Seller Conference (the Return)

(I posted this this past Friday, and it disappeared from my blog and my admin console. Guess Blogger has issues with sellers still using eBay/Paypal/Skype :P)

Just came back from presenting at Infopia's Seller conference. Kudos to Infopia for putting together what seemed a very well attended event. It was good to see a room full of top sellers who as a group predominantly 1) still used eBay as a significant sales channel 2) used Paypal at the very least as an option for buyers. Skype seemed to trail in terms of seller usage, but hopefully my impassioned plea had some nominal effect (hard to argue with free).

One seller I spoke with had two pretty good ideas for our friends at Skype. First was to enable Skype with a Babelfish feature to help translate incoming chat. Apparently he was seeing some good pickup in cross border trade for his books, but had to manually copy and paste incoming non-English questions to an online translating service. Given Skype's strong adoption abroad, this seems a fairly intuitive feature to adopt to help augment domestic growth. The seller's second idea was to distribute Skype headsets through eBay's seller base. As eBay sellers package product for buyers, they could drop in Skype headsets donated by eBay. Not my place to say whether this is feasible or not, but it's a well-intentioned request regardless.

Ultimately, it was good to touch base with sellers and see they were still very engaged with eBay Inc's multiple properties...


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